As spring arrives, the Isle of Man’s diverse landscapes come alive with the sights and sounds of the annual bird nesting season. From the cliffs to hedgerows, glens and gardens - birds are actively building nests, laying eggs, and raising their young. It is a crucial time for many species, and as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the Island is committed to protecting our wildlife.
Birds play a vital role in the Isle of Man’s ecosystems. They help control pests, disperse seeds, and maintain the delicate balance of nature. Their presence is an indicator of a healthy environment, and their songs enrich our natural soundscape, bringing joy to residents and visitors alike. They are also prevalent members of Manx culture and folklore, featuring in traditions, artworks, on our stamps, coins, and even on our government crest.
Protecting nesting birds ensures the continued vitality of our Biosphere and supports the biodiversity and culture that makes the island so special.
Under the Wildlife Act 1990, all wild birds, their nests, and eggs are legally protected. People must take care to avoid any actions that might put birds at risk, as disturbing a nest in use or being built is an offence. This may include delaying non-essential hedge cutting or tree works until after the breeding season, which typically runs from March to August.
For those uncertain about how to proceed with hedge maintenance or land management during this sensitive period, guidance is available on the dedicated Hedge Hub on the Biosphere website.
Everyone planning work - including landowners, contractors, and residents - should check for nesting birds before undertaking any work on potential nesting sites. If a nest is discovered, it should be left undisturbed until the young have safely fledged.
If there are concerns about potential disturbances or unlawful activity, the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA) or Manx Wildlife Trust can offer advice. Members of the public are also encouraged to observe and enjoy birds from a respectful distance, ensuring they do not inadvertently cause stress or harm. Dog owners should always keep dogs under control and on a lead, to avoid disturbing or destroying the nesting sites and young of ground- nesting birds.
By being mindful of bird nesting season and following best practices, everyone can contribute to the preservation of the Island’s rich biodiversity. For more information, including hedge cutting guidance, please visit the Biosphere Hedge Hub.
Header Image: Herring Gull feeding chicks by Alan Smith.