Take your own pledge
Take your own personal version of our Biosphere Pledge and share it on your social media pages.
Take your own personal version of our Biosphere Pledge and share it on your social media pages.
This could relate to anything you’re trying to do better that will impact positively on our natural resources, from managing water use to planting trees.
Doing business responsibly, balancing the need for growth with respect for our natural, social and cultural environment. Responsible businesses tend to be more resilient, contributing to a diverse economy which is more sustainable than a ‘monoculture’ economy.
For example, staff involvement in, or corporate sponsorship of, cultural events and groups.
Closely related to the first principle of protecting our natural resources, this could include anything from energy saving and waste management measures to support of local environmental projects.
Through environmental, social or community groups, whichever fit best with your business. You’ll find a wide range of groups listed under ‘Who is involved?’ on the Environmental/Cultural, Community and Educational pages.
Promoting our outstanding living landscapes through active involvement with Biosphere Isle of Man – being an ambassador for the project and advertising the fact that you support it, thereby encouraging others to get involved.
I promise to support Biosphere Isle of Man principles and to spread the word