Yn Chruinnaght Celtic Gathering

Yn Chruinnaght Celtic Gathering is back!

Yn Chruinnaght Celtic Gathering is back!

The annual festival, which is a Biosphere Community Partner, celebrates all things Celtic and is happening from 22nd – 28th July 2024.

Established in its current format in 1978, Yn Chruinnaght Celtic Gathering is known for its fun and friendly atmosphere, and is based primarily in Peel, with some visitors arriving in boats for the week.

Yn Chruinnaght, which means ‘the gathering’ in Manx Gaelic, is a celebration of Celtic culture and the long standing relationship between the Isle of Man and the five neighbouring Celtic countries of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany.

Musicians, dance groups and other artists arrive to perform, showcase and celebrate Celtic culture in our Island Biosphere.

The week is packed with a programme of events for all to enjoy including music, dance, language, arts and crafts, lectures and more. Find out what’s happening on the online programme.

Yn Chruinnaght are very conscious of their environmental credentials and have taken many measures to ensure the festival operates as sustainably as possible.

The entire gathering is free from single-use plastic, and events have free water stations for performers and audience members. The committee even created their own Manx tartan wrist bands used for festival passes using metal clasps, when they couldn’t find any made without plastic.

Accommodation for performers is provided in Peel to reduce carbon footprints, as most events are based there, and all events utilise local food and drink.

Yn Chruinnaght have even created their own sustainability chart detailing their commitments!

Don’t miss out - head to Yn Chruinnaght Celtic Gathering to find out more about the gathering, its history, and all of the exciting events happening across the week.

                                                                                                                        Sustainable festival wrist passes, made by Yn Chruinnaght Committee with Laxey Tartan ribbon

Posted up on 19th July 2024


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