'Birds of the Kerry Biosphere' webinar

Take flight over the stunning south west of Ireland for the penultimate webinar in the 2021 tri-Biosphere series hosted by the Isle of Man, Dublin Bay and Kerry UNESCO Biospheres.

25th November 2021

Take flight over the stunning west of Ireland for the penultimate webinar in the 2021 tri-Biosphere series hosted by the Isle of Man, Dublin Bay and Kerry UNESCO Biospheres.

It is Kerry Biosphere’s turn to host this month and the subject is ‘Birds of the Kerry Biosphere’.

Presenter, renowned ornithologist Dr Allan Mee, will speak about his work in Kerry’s beautiful uplands and a project he heads reintroducing sea eagles to Kerry.

The webinar takes place on Zoom on Thursday 25th November. It starts at noon and runs till 1.30pm, including questions, and you can pop in and out if you cannot attend the whole event.

Book here and ensure you have Zoom enabled.

The webinar series is among events globally to mark the 50th anniversary of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme.


If you love the Isle of Man and want to help keep it special, there are a variety of ways to get involved in UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man projects. Here are a few suggestions.

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